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Good Night Message To Lover, Good Night Msg To Love Images

Good Night Message To Lover, Good Night Msg To Love Images

Good Night Message To Lover, Good Night Msg To Love Images

Tonight, I will fall asleep while holding hands with you in my dreams. Sweet sleep, my dearest.

Good Night, my love, and I look forward to seeing you again in the morning! Each day is a dream comes true for me since I met you.

A thousand miles between us, and yet, I feel the warmth of your body beside me. Aaah… the power of dreams.

If it were possible, I would climb a mountain and ford a raging river to be with you tonight. I will hug you tightly in my dreams.

Good Night Message

Good Night Message To Lover, Good Night Msg To Love Images

In the dark, I am calling your name. Sleep well, and may we be together soon.

Whenever I think of you, I can’t help but believe that there is a brighter tomorrow for us. Have faith in us, please. Dream of the good times we have shared.

Good night, sleep tight. I have you in my dreams all night.

Darling, I hope you have the sweetest of dreams tonight because that’s what you’re like to me: a sweet, sweet dream that I hope I never wake up from!

My heart beats for you and only you. You are the best thing that’s happened to me. Good night, my hero.

You owe it to yourself to end the day with good thoughts. Today, you got up and did what you could. Tomorrow is another fresh start no matter what.

Look at the stars and call my name. Look at the moon and blow me kisses. Soon the sunrise will overcome the darkness and the loneliness of being without you.

Night is not a time to lose hope in spite of the darkness. There is always light at the dawn of a new day. Find inspiration in it.

I think of you before I sleep. I think of you as soon as I awake. You have shown me so much happiness. Good night.

Tossing and turning, wrestling with daytime problems and events, is the unnecessary thief of peaceful sleep.

I can’t sleep until I can tell you that you are the greatest, biggest and straightest hero in my life.

I dream of the day when I can wake up in your loving arms. For now, good night and pleasant dreams.

Good Night Message

Good Night Message To Lover, Good Night Msg To Love Images

There is so much I wish to tell you, but let me save the stories for when we are together. Good night!

Love conquers every hurdle. Don’t worry about today for it is done. Don’t fret about tomorrow because it is pre-destined. Hugs and kisses for a restful night.

There’s someone thinking of you tonight. I hope it’s not keeping you up. With all the love I have – sleep tight.

The scent of night flowers remind me of how you always try to add to all that is good in the world. Good night, love.

Let the moonbeam transport my thoughts of you to bridge the distance between us. You are always in my thoughts. Good night.

Good night, dearest. See you in my dreams tonight and forever.

I never want to be without you. You lift me up on my down days, and I trust you to have my back no matter the troubles I get into. Good night, dearest.

There is no ocean I would not cross to get to you if needed. Stay sweet and strong.

Love, you’re my dream come true. That’s why I’m wishing you sweet dreams tonight of the beautiful love we share.

You make me proud of who I am and what I have become with your support and guidance. I love you to the moon and beyond. Pleasant dreams tonight.

There is no one else worth thinking about in my waking hours or dreaming about when I sleep. I’m off to dreamland with you in my mind.

You’re the only one for me. I could search all over the world and never find a person more perfect for me than you. Good night to my one-of-a-kind love!

Good Night Message

Good Night Message To Lover, Good Night Msg To Love Images

Sending an army of angels to guard you tonight, my sweet one. Have a restful night and pleasant dreams.

You are never out of my thoughts. I see your face in the clouds and in every flower. I smell your scent around me even when you are a hundred miles away. You are all that I dream of at night. Sleep peacefully, my darling.

You are the stuff that sweet dreams are made of with your charm, wit and compassion. I am blessed to be your partner. Good night for now.

Let’s enjoy our private bedtime tonight doing what we do best — and I don’t mean clean the garage.

When you close your eyes to sleep tonight, I hope I creep into your dreams — in a good way.

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Is it bad to hope you have erotic dreams about me tonight? I hope they’re really bad and really good.

Good night, my sweet girl. Have sweet dreams tonight, and maybe one or two not-so-sweet dreams with me in a starring role.

Have wonderful dreams, honey. Imagine I’m singing a lullaby for you.

If I had a magic wand, I’d cast a spell and give you sweet dreams. Speaking of magic wands…

I’m anxious to get into bed with you so I can offer a physical demonstration of my all-encompassing love.

You are a princess for the ages. I am so glad that I have you in my life. Good night my sweet.

Good Night Message

Good Night Message To Lover, Good Night Msg To Love Images


Another day goes by and I think of you endlessly, as the light dims, and the sky turns dark, your absence bothers me like no tomorrow.

Isn’t it amazing how perfect we are for each other? As you fall asleep tonight, remember how much I love you and will always love you.

Thoughts of you flood my mind each night. As you lie down in bed may you feel the warmth of my love all through your mind, body, and soul.

Millions of people are about to fall asleep right now, but only one matters to me. Sleep peacefully, dearest.

I hope you feel my warm embrace through this message. Prayers and kisses for you, dear love.

The nights are colder and longer when you are not with me. Sweet dreams and warm hugs.

My only escape is my dreams, where you can mentally be with me, all the times you can physically not. Good Night.

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