Love For Baby Quotes, Baby Quotes For New Parents
Love For Baby Quotes, Baby Quotes For New Parents
“Children make you want to start life over.”
“A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it.
“A baby’s grin has so much magic that you barely realize that it is a toothless smile!”
“A baby’s cry is heaven’s anguish, but their smile is heaven’s joy.”
“Baby – A little bit of heaven sent down to earth.”
“A baby fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.”
“You may hate being pregnant, but the minute the baby is born, she is God’s precious child, given to you as a gift.”
“There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.”
“When I watch my baby sleep, my world is at peace.”
“The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.”
“Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, fill our hearts with love that overflows.”
Love For Baby Quotes
“I think, at a child’s birth if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.”
“A baby’s smile is an antidote to melt your day’s stress away.”
“As babies we’re born blank sheets of paper. Not a single mark. As we grow older, lines form, then colors and patterns. Before long that paper is all sorts of brilliant. Like a kaleidoscope, no two exactly alike.”
“A baby’s smile can give you power… enough to even struggle through tears.”
“Your little feet, make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”
“Babies are such a nice way to start people.”
“Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.”
Love For Baby Quotes
“Words can not express the joy of a new life.”
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“We never know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves.”
“Babies smile in their sleep because they’re listening to the whispering of angels.”
It is a moment of pure ecstasy and satisfaction when you see a smile flicker on the baby’s lips, just as they gently pass into a deep slumber.
“The best feeling in the world is knowing that you are the one who made the baby smile.”
“When they finally place the baby in your arms and you notice that smile, you suddenly feel a surge of overwhelming, unconditional love that you never felt before.”
Love For Baby Quotes
“With every newborn baby, a little sun rises.”
“Happiness is your baby’s first toothless smile.”
“One can resist everything in the world except the smile of a baby.”
“Pure happiness is found in nothing but in the innocent smile of a baby.”
“What can a baby’s laughter do? It can cleanse your soul and scatter a smile in your sad heart.”
“Even babies understand the language of smiles. I think that speaks a lot for how universal language happiness is.”
Love For Baby Quotes
“Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.”
“Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth.”
“I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.”
“It is a moment of pure ecstasy and satisfaction when you see a smile flicker on baby’s lips, just as they gently pass into a deep slumber.”
“A baby’s laugh is like an angel’s voice”.
“All the sleepless nights make it worth the effort when you are rewarded with a baby’s adorable smile.”
“A baby’s smile is a bit of sunlight wrapped in your arms.”
“Giving birth is an ecstatic jubilant adventure not available to males. It is a woman’s crowning creative experience of a lifetime.”
“When the baby is born, all that pain (that was endured) vanishes in an instant. Love for that tiny baby makes one forget the pain, the fear.”
“There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation.”
“A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside…when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.”
“Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” – Tina Brown
“I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.”
“Before you were born I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart.”
“You may hate being pregnant, but the minute the baby is born, she is God’s precious child, given to you as a gift.”
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