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I loved a girl and she broke my heart. Now every piece of my heart love different girls. People called it flirt that’s not fair…

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When someone says: you are UGLY TELL them oh sorry I was trying to look like you.

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Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

It is important to have an attitude of gratitude.

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Dear Mario, I wasted my childhood trying to save your girlfriend. Now, you help me to save mine.

I think it’s my adventure, my trip, my journey, and I guess my attitude is, let the chips fall where they may.

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Trust is a dangerous game.

Today morning when I was driving my Ferrari, the alarm woke me up.

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I’m 97% sure you don’t like me, but I’m 100% sure I Don’t care about that.

” My attitude is a reflection of my knowledge, not my ego.”

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Whenever I think of quitting smoking, I need a cigarette to think.

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