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Best Happiness Quotes, Status, Messages & Thoughts

Best Happiness Quotes, Status, Messages & Thoughts

I want to go for a long drive and forget about my problems for a while.

Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind.

The smile on my face doesn’t mean my life is perfect. I just appreciate what I have and what God has blessed me.

Accept what is, Let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.

New year, New feels New chances. Same dreams, Fresh start.

Do good for others. It will come back in unexpected ways.

Whatever makes you feel bad, leave it. Whatever makes you smile, Keep it.

The best relationships are the ones you never saw coming.

Best Happiness Quotes

“Happiness in life does not mean how perfect is your life is but it means how simple and happy it is”

Life is to short that you don’t want to spend by crying. Try to be happy in every moment of life that makes life worth living.

Here I have collected 65 best happy life status quotes and images. these quotes will make you happy by reading it and share this happiness with others.

“When you are happy at the bottom of your heart it makes everything beautiful around you”

“Happiness is the only medicine that can heal a wound in the deep heart”

“Start smiling from the heart it will make your life more beautiful and happy”

” Sometimes there is a special moment in a life that makes you happy, live the moment and be happy”

“Do not do things that make others happy do things that make you happy”

“Being happy is all starts with you the way you think and the way you live”

“If you want to live a happy life change the way you think”

“When you are happy you see things differently”

“If your not happy with what you have then you will never be happy when you have everything”

“Sometimes you just need a simple smile to fight against the tough situation”

“Everyday is a happy day just start your day with positivity”

“Happiness comes when you start to feel nice about yourself “

“Life is a long journey, full of joy and happiness”

“Happiness is an only gift, that you have for a lifetime”

“Say thank you to god for providing this wonderful and happy life”

“Letting go means starting the fresh, beautiful and happy chapter in life”

“Happy life always need some sacrifices”

“Don’t use people to make your life happy because that is not true happiness that you want in your life”

“The best way to double your happiness is to share with others”

“Look forward not behind because happiness lies ahead”

Best Happiness Quotes

“Make your life worth living by enjoying small moments that make you happy”

“Put a seat belt and enjoy this roller coaster life that is full of happiness”

“To shine outside you have to make yourself happy from inside”

“Postivie mind leads to happiness but a negative mind leads to darkness”

“To make your life happy use things not people”

“To clear the darkness in life you need a light of happiness”

“Healthy and happy mindset help you to see the world with a different point of view”

“Be happy because everything happens in life for the purpose you have to be thankful that this happens to you”

“You can feel happiness and understand how beautiful it is to live cheerfully”

“Happiness comes like wind and takes away your worries and stress from life”

“You must do crazy things that you love because someday you will look back in memories and you will enjoy it”

Never place the key of your happiness into a pocket of another.

Happiness temporarily escapes into the wilderness sometimes, but it returns to fill your soul

The inner soul indulges in your true happiness. Feed it.

Don’t analyze happiness. Let it flow without analyzing the rationality of it.

Most people chose to be certain that they are in a miserable state, rather than leaping into the risk of being happy.

Tune into happiness with that life song on happy melodies.

You do not have to be officially certified and graduated to earn happiness.

Count your troubles away and delve into countless joys.

Best Happiness Quotes

Do not start to be aware of what a wonderful life you had in the past tense. Awaken to it in the present.

Happiness is not miles away; it is right by your side, clinging to you to grasp it.

The moment of exploring in anticipation is a clinch of happiness beyond the final cave of it.

Differing self-fulfillment paths are taken. Just because others are not on the same road, does not mean they are lost.

Questioning what brings happiness is difficult to answer. Wealth has failed. Poverty has failed. Sadness and happiness are parallel trails. Each time you pause, one of them intervene your space.

All attempt a reversal in the life puzzle, they begin by trying to build more wealth and assets to be happy. The correct path is first to find your true happiness in order to grow into abundance.

Man strives to be happy leaving his pathway to happiness impossible.

Serve your happiness wants elegantly on yourself.

Reap and enjoy your happiness harvest.

Hold your head high and straighten up shaking depression bubbles to air away.

Pleasure on earth comes in stray packages, waiting to be seized.

Don’t fade away precious moments making up your mind about being happy. It is about letting go!

Happiness is a realm of true courage.

It is not fit to bear burdens of great joy, seep into tranquil pleasure.

Happiness is not about finally getting something we desired, it is about appreciating what we already have.

Compassion is the key to the happiness of others and your own.

Happiness is a seed that roots into a blooming bliss.

There are moments now and again when all in the world is just so right, a gentle heavenly wave on a soul journey.

A happy childhood never expires and can be embraced at any time.

Happiness is good health with a poor memory that eliminates all the life’s failures.

Love, laughter, health, abundance and a tinge of luck – The Joy of happiness!

Happiness is the by-product of a goal.

Happiness is not a location, it is a direction.

Outward beautification needs a soul happiness expression to resonate.

A satisfaction overdose leaves you bloated in happiness.

Best Happiness Quotes

One loses happiness when wishing for more happiness.

“Start a day with a smile and you will glow differently”

“If the heart is full of joy and mind is happy then there is always a happy life”

“When you are happy you forget the pain that you have”

“No one will come to make you happy find your happiness by yourself’”

“You have to go through the darkest time to find happiness”

“Feel happy, not sad because there is thousands of beautiful reason to stay happy”

“Happiness is a destination in life where you have to reach”

“Stay with the people that make you happy because there are very few people that will help you to forget the pain that you have”

Avoid misery by having sufficient leisure to wonder about your state of happiness.

All have a basic right to pursue happiness, just grab it as it waits in your path. Or create the happiness you desire.

Bliss comes to those who are not on a chase for it. Chasing it will be a futile and exhausting path.

The root of unhappiness is a futile search for gaining happiness.

Being content is a blessing that is not disguised.

Happiness is a nest of love.

Do not postpone happiness. It is not a temporary phase but interwoven with eternal blessings.

We are in no position to be in control of the world, but we can control our reactions to our life encounters. Choose happiness.

Happiness prevails in the present and revives each new day in its presence.

Happiness is a form of spiritual and harmonious spring you do not want to stop the feeling.

A good exercise is to jump for joy!

Best Happiness Quotes

Happiness is a joyful feast even if the first course was misery that had to be gulped away.

Enjoy the sound of a centered soul in the harmonious bliss of happiness.

On the route to happiness, many get detoured in the curved direction.

Happiness is contagious; sparking it off for one will spread the glow to many.

Happiness needs to spread its wings and grow into every facet and not enclosed a clung perception of a limited enclosure.

Happiness is ordinary and everyday consciousness without a concentration on the self concern.

The greatest gift to those who love us is simply being happy.

You may not always be happy, but can always spread happiness.

Happiness is not ruined in moments of great catastrophes but a repetition of minute habits.

A twinge of happiness scatters a mass multitude of grief.

Happiness has to be produced to be consumed.

You are only as miserable as you perceive to be. Misery is created with seeds sprouted in thoughts of negativity.

Happiness is the core of wisdom.

Happiness is the task of the inner soul.

Unhappiness is aspiring on a lost cause to get unknown wants.

Be happy in the present, or happiness will cease.

Happiness has no attached price tags.

In a state of calmness and serenity, inner peace overwhelms painful outer experiences.

Happiness clustered is limited, but letting go will expand the preciousness of it.

Valuing the joy and merit of others will lead to happiness.

Without pain, you will not know happiness.

Happiness is about your thoughts, messages and actions are in order.

Happiness is not about owning, earning or consuming, it is gratitude, love and grace in a spiritual reality.

Gathering crumbs of happiness which creates a full loaf of contentment.

Happiness is harmony between men on the course of his life.

Happiness is not about having a troubled mind or a pain in the body.

What we need to make us happy is to be enthusiastic about an aspiration.

Happiness occurs naturally and seldom is a result of circumstances.

Where there is joy, pain melts away.

Best Happiness Quotes

Unhappiness can either be unwholesome food, severe labor or erring life habits.

Many people miss out on the bliss of happiness as they did not stop to embrace and enjoy it.

Being grateful to those that harvest our garden of happiness makes our soul blossom.

For every one minute of anger, sixty seconds of happiness is lost.

Happiness is a choice that is conscious and not an automated response.

To be useful is to be happy, and all else, incidental.

Counting all the blessings is a paramount key to unlock the door of happiness.

Happiness is a soul journey.

The past is gone; the future is not yet here, so we need to embrace the present.

The happiest in the world are those who fully love themselves and accept the responsibility of every life aspect.

Optimism is a magnet of happiness. Staying positive will attract all the best for you.

Practicing true compassion brings immediate happiness that is long lasting.

Happiness is living each day as if it is your first honeymoon day and last vacation day.

Happiness is about choice. Most are as happy as they chose to be.

We must learn to let go of the life we carefully planned and motion with the life waiting in our pathway.

Freedom is by doing what you prefer to do, but happiness is about liking what you have chosen to do.

Spending a lifetime anticipating and preparing for a storm will seize moments to lay back and devour the sunshine.

Each day is a new beginning, a new chapter to start afresh in a new spark. Forget about what did not happen or focus on what can be.

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Do not aim to be better than the other person, but aim to better yourself.

Happiness is not a piece of a lost puzzle, it is self-created.

Choose to live life as the miracle is in everything around you.

If you chase happiness it eludes you, but just like a butterfly, it will rest on your shoulder if you are not pursuing to capture it.

To be happy does not mean that all is perfect. It means that you have chosen to look beyond any imperfections.

Whether it is anger, frustration, jealousy or joy, they are all universe gifts for our enjoyment or growth.

The journey of life should be one you fall in love with and once you love this journey of life, you will always be in love with life.

Best Happiness Quotes

I think it’s time to be happy again.

Life is short, Time is fast, No replay, No rewind, So enjoy every moment as it comes.

I prefer to be crazy and happy rather than normal and bitter.

Come on buddy! Let us rejoice and play each other with colors and make our life colorful.

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

I don’t want a perfect life. I want a happy life….

The key to being happy knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.

Happiness is a perfume. You cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.

I think the hardest person to love is you.

Life is better when you’re laughing.

There is no happy life, there are only happy days.

Happiness is not in living a good life but in understanding and feeling what a good life is.

Find someone who can change your life, and not just your relationship status.

Happy life is in the peace of mind.

I am responsible for my own happiness.

To be happy means not only gain happiness, but also to feel it.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.

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