Best Heart Touching Good Night Status For Someone Special
Best Heart Touching Good Night Status For Someone Special
Good Night, my love, and I look forward to seeing you again in the morning! Each day is a dream comes true for me since I met you
Τhe night sky is dotted with stars, but none can compare to the light that you bring to my life. You are precious to me tonight and always.
On a cold night such as tonight, I want something big, warm and fuzzy. Don’t get any strange ideas. I just want a big hug from you. Good night, love.
I close my eyes and feel the warmth of your embrace although we are many miles apart. I wish we could be together tonight.
I’m standing here with the evening breezes blowing my hair all around. I am imagining your kisses warming me up for a peaceful night.
I wish I may, I wish I might be wrapped in your arms so tight.
Hands on your heart and eyes shut tight, dream of me tonight.
You and me, we are one. Now and forever. Good night dearest.
My heart is longing for the day when we can be together again. For now, good night.
I fall asleep thinking of the wonderful ways you bring me to life. I wish you could be here to kiss me awake like Prince Charming to his Sleeping Beauty.
I toss and turn and wait for sleep to take over, but thoughts of you keep me awake at night. You are everything I want in this life. Good night, love.
It seems I love you more today than yesterday. Tomorrow will be greater still.
Good night, love. You are the sunshine that I wake to every morning. You are my light and hope.
Sweet dreams, my love. You are the moonbeam that rocks me to sleep.
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