शुभ प्रभात, प्रिय मित्रा! तुमचे सर्व प्रयत्न आज योग्य ठिकाणी पडू दे! शुभ सकाळ प्रिय! तुमचे आंधळे स्मित मला दिवसभर उत्साही करण्यासाठी पुरेसे आहे, त्यामुळे मला आशा आहे की तुम्हालाही तुमचे समाधान मिळेल!
At the beginning of the day, “I love you” is all I can say Good Morning
You are more precious to me than anything on this Earth. Good Morning
Your face is always the first thing I want to see each and every morning
The sound of your voice is all the motivation I need to get my day started
You are the artist of your life, paint it beautiful Good morning!
Everything you do returns back to you. So only do good Good Morning!
I wish I was kissing you instead of missing you. Good Morning my love!
My day has not yet started until I hear your voice, see your face, and feel your kiss
The sound of your voice in the morning is what makes me eager to start my day
The sun is shining and it is a brand new day. I hope your day is more than okay
Always be kinder than you feel Good morning!