Positive Attitude Quotes, Cool High Attitude Status Lines
Positive Attitude Quotes, Cool High Attitude Status Lines
I Don’t Have Attitude Problem I Just Have Personality.. YOU CAN’T HANDLE
A bad attitude is like a flat tire if you don’t change it you will never go anywhere.
Attitude__#My Hobby#
Ego___ #My Passion
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Love me hate me but you will never change me.
I don’t
I Have My Own Personality
I speak for what i see, I stand for what I Believe. I strive for what i want…
I m a puzzle, which u can’t solve
Your Attitude May Hurt Me But, Mine Can Kill You….
Before you judge me make sure that you are Perfect.. ?
I Talk, I Smile, I Laugh Too…
But Be Careful When I’m Silent…
Single Isn’t a status. But it’s word that describes a person
who is strong enough to live and enjoy life Without depending on others.
Now I will do what’s best for me.
Above all be the heroine of your life not the victim.
Attitude are contagious make yours worth catching..
To be the best you must be able to handle the worst.
I am “Awesome”
Don’t Question it…
Just deal with it….
Positive Attitude Quotes
Can’t trust anyone these days fake is becoming the new trend.
I hate those people who have two faces. they shows one face to me and second to other people
People will throw stones at you don’t throw them back collect them all and build an Empire.
If You Are Bad,
I’m Your Dad…!
I don’t need to #show_off
Because they know what I’m and what i have.