I Am A Puzzle Which U Can’t Solve
8372 total views
I Am A Puzzle Which U Can’t Solve
8372 total views
Yes, You Have Heard It Right, I Have A Attitude Of Smile..
3092 total views
Attitude My Hobby Ego My Passion
10061 total views
Those Who Know Me Never Doubt Me. Those Who Doubt Me Never Knew Me.
4429 total views
I’m A Good Person But Don’t Give Me A Reason To Show My Evil Side.
5628 total views
I Am Awesome Don’t Question It Just Deal With It.
4078 total views
No Time For Fake And Negative People’s
10343 total views
May my enemies live a long life to see my success.
There are three sides to an argument.. my side, your side and the right side.
Never hate something or someone just because someone else does…
Honey, I’ve got heels higher than your standards
If a girl leaves you behind don’t bother, just find cutest one than her to make her respect you.
People understand you by your attitude.. If your attitude is bad you are bad.. If your attitude is good you are good…
Someday you’ll understand that, I am the best thing that happened in your life, but it will be too late…
End=effort never dies, No=next opportunity, Fail=first attempt in learning. So, be positive and think positive throughout your life..
Kill tension before tensions kill you, reach your goal before goal kicks you, live life before life leaves you.
Never hide your last seen, let people see how you are ignoring them… !!!!
My choices are like fingerprints, they make me unique..
I don’t have an attitude problem.You have a problem with my attitude and that is not my problem.
Talk 2 urself at-least once in a day…..otherwise u may miss meeting an excellent person in this world.