“Enjoy every moment of life with joy”
1384 total views , 1 views today
“Enjoy every moment of life with joy”
1384 total views , 1 views today
“Happiness is like hide and seek you have to find out where your happiness hide”
860 total views
“Be happy, not sad because every day is a fresh start”
836 total views , 1 views today
“You will never understand the worth of happiness if you have not seen the bad times in your life”
533 total views
“Sometimes you just need a fresh air that opens your eyes and makes you see how wonderful and joyful this world is”
708 total views
“Search for happiness inside you not in others”
1252 total views , 1 views today
“Sometimes one smile can take down a thousand problem”
915 total views , 1 views today
“Happiness die when you compare your life with others”
600 total views , 1 views today
“Some people want a perfect life, but I prefer a simple life that is filled with happiness”
610 total views , 1 views today
“Every morning start with a joyful day”
443 total views , 1 views today
“Don’t expect anything in return that is where true happiness lies”
606 total views , 1 views today
“Be happy because you have this wonderful and amazing life”
628 total views
“Happiness is a flavor that you want to add in your life to make your life tastier”
452 total views
“Just free yourself from chains and you will see a new version of yourself that is happy and smiling”
594 total views
“Smile because it takes a lot of efforts and pain to reach there where you are now”
665 total views
“Life is filled with the happiness you just need to find out”
1029 total views
“The best way to make your life happy is to forget what left behind”
557 total views , 1 views today
“Happiness is like sweets that you want to share with others to make there life happy”
1073 total views
“Be happy, not sad be positive, not negative in life”
846 total views
“To be happy you don’t need the approval of others”
633 total views
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