Sad but true I used to think that the poorest thing in life was to end up alone it’s not the worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone
1220 total views
Sad but true I used to think that the poorest thing in life was to end up alone it’s not the worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone
1220 total views
Sugar and salt looks almost same be careful who you trust
2523 total views
Tea and biscuit give us lesson not to fall for someone so deep that you get broken
3019 total views
Life three best teachers heartbreak empty pocket failure
2265 total views
When a guy understand his responsibilities he automatically become a real man
973 total views
My parents did not Raise me to order something expensive when someone else is paying
1585 total views
If you remain positive in negative situation you win
1614 total views
Arranged marriages of our generation are mostly gonna to be between two heartbroken people who did not believe in love anymore
1815 total views
Always remember for its plus wrong tools is equal to no result
1269 total views
Trust is like a glass once broken it will never be the same
2614 total views
You are not responsible for the programming you receive in childhood as an adult you are 100% responsible for fixing it
1257 total views
Just be a good person love who you can help where you can give what you can
1038 total views
Change is important for growth and improvement change is inevitable
1359 total views
Your current behaviour will be reflected in your future life
3413 total views