Just like a tree shed it’s useless leaves you also need to remove toxic people from your life
1112 total views
Just like a tree shed it’s useless leaves you also need to remove toxic people from your life
1112 total views
In The end we will remember not the words of our Enemies but the silence of our friends
1395 total views
Don’t change yourself to win someone’s heart state true and you will find someone who likes you for being you
1548 total views
Never let your past decide your future
1756 total views
No matter what you eat in costly restaurants mom food is always the best
2018 total views
We all are different don’t judge understand instead
1642 total views
Don’t waste your time in pleasing others your life is the reflection of your thoughts
3282 total views
Happiness is a state of mind it cannot be achieved it can only be experienced
1409 total views
Karma says if you feel like you are losing everything remember that trees lose their leaves every year and still They Stand tall and wait for better days to become
2689 total views
Distance does not matter when roots of your relationship are strong enough
2668 total views
If you want to feed the homeless feed the homeless but the moment you put it on social media you are also feeding your ego
1004 total views
You are not sorry because you did it you are sorry because you got Caught
979 total views
We should not always believe on what we are seen because it maybe what we are saying is actually not exist
1123 total views
Every moment is a fresh beginning
1542 total views
School may be hard annoying and irritating but admit it you are going to miss it When It Ends
1908 total views
Be alone that is the secret of invention be alone that is when ideas are born
997 total views
My father did not tell me how to live he lived and let me watch him to do it
1073 total views
Have enough courage to start and enough heart to finish
833 total views
Experience has taught one thing a new pain is a medicine for chronic pain
1516 total views
Life Quotes In Hindi For Whatsapp, True Lines About Life इंतजार मत करो , जितना तुम सोचते हो जिंदगी उससे कहीं ज्यादा तेजी से निकल रही है पानी की बूंद जब समुन्दर में होती है तब उसका कोई अस्तित्व नहीं होता लेकिन जब वो बूँद पत्ते पर होती है तो मोती की तरह चमकती है आपको भी जीवन में ऐसा […]
4984 total views
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