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Best Ratan Tata Quotes, Thoughts, Status, Messages & Lines

Best Ratan Tata Quotes, Thoughts, Status, Messages & Lines

The day I am not able to fly will be a sad day for me. Ratan Tata

Power and wealth are not two of my main stakes. Ratan Tata

I’ve often felt that the Indian tiger has not been unleashed. Ratan Tata

As you grow older, you become – everybody becomes – less inflexible and a little more accommodating. Ratan Tata

A founder who is in for the short run, or has no passion for the sector he is in, doesn’t give me a great deal of comfort. Ratan Tata

The most expensive part of any manufacturing unit is the paint shop. Ratan Tata

Fiat has assembly plants in Brazil and Argentina. Ratan Tata

Best Ratan Tata Quotes

Jardine is the largest dealer of Mercedes in the world. They also sell cars for two or three Japanese makers. Ratan Tata

I have always been bullish about India’s potential. I still am, and I feel India is a country that really has an enormous amount of potential and has the human capital to succeed. Ratan Tata

India needs to come out of its socialist pattern of doing things on a rationing basis. Ratan Tata

There’s a lot of interest in Nano outside India. Ratan Tata

I would say that one of the things I wish I could do differently would be to be more outgoing. Ratan Tata

Indian car buyers have not really been exposed to customer care in a competitive environment. Ratan Tata

There has not been a conscious view of re-energising manufacturing. So, in some form, someone has to wave the Union Jack in the area of manufacturing. Ratan Tata

New startups embody the creativity, the innovation of young people, and for me, it was and is a very worthwhile experience to interact with them. Ratan Tata

When you have to earmark human and monetary resources for such a long time, it starts to hinder your other activities. Ratan Tata

I would say that I’m blessed with a very, very good executive team that operates, reasonably autonomously, each of the companies. Ratan Tata

I probably have everything that Apple has made and everything Bose has made; I am very loyal to certain brands. Ratan Tata

I think there are many honest businessmen. Ratan Tata

People still believe what they read is necessarily the truth. Ratan Tata

Flying, I continue to be involved with. I love flying, and I hope to keep doing it so long as I can pass my medicals and stay proficient. Ratan Tata

Best Ratan Tata Quotes

I am interested in what I earn; I am interested in my growth. Ratan Tata

The early Rockefellers made their wealth from being in certain businesses and remained personally very wealthy. Ratan Tata

If there are challenges thrown across, then some interesting, innovative solutions are found. Without challenges, the tendency is to go on the same way. Ratan Tata

Challenges need to be given to an organization. Ratan Tata

I have always been very confident and very upbeat about the future potential of India. I think it is a great country with great potential. Ratan Tata

If it stands the test of public scrutiny, do it… if it doesn’t stand the test of public scrutiny then don’t do it. Ratan Tata

I buy a lot of electronics, some which I never take out of the box! Ratan Tata

I have two or three cars that I like, but today, Ferrari would be the best car I have driven in terms of being an impressive car. Ratan Tata

What are the crumple zones on scooters? The helmet is the only crumple zone I can think of. Ratan Tata

I am in favour of disinvestment. But if a disinvested company has to tie up with a government company for its livelihood, there is a problem. Ratan Tata

Best Ratan Tata Quotes

Banana republics are run on cronyism. Ratan Tata

I quite frankly enjoy the touch and feel of a store, so I am a big bookshop person. Or, I go to an electronics store; Best Buy and Croma are places I could spend a lot of time in. Ratan Tata

I have been constantly telling people to encourage people, to question the unquestioned and not to be ashamed to bring up new ideas, new processes to get things done. Ratan Tata

There are many things that, if I have to relive, maybe I will do it another way. But I would not like to look back and think what I have not been able to. Ratan Tata

I can tell you in all honesty that I am highly connected to my family, my wife, and my three children, though I don’t get to spend dollops of hours with them. Ratan Tata

I will certainly not join politics. I would like to be remembered as a clean businessman who has not partaken in any twists and turns beneath the surface, and one who has been reasonably successful. Ratan Tata

Perhaps the loneliest time was during the Tata Tea issue in Assam. For some reason, everyone believed that we had conspired with the extremists, ULFA. People still believe what they read is necessarily the truth. Sometimes it is based on inadequate or wrong information. Ratan Tata

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I may have hurt some people along the way, but I would like to be seen as somebody who has done his best to do the right thing for any situation and not compromised. Ratan Tata

I came seriously close to getting married four times, and each time I backed off in fear or for one reason or another. Each occasion was different, but in hindsight when I look at the people involved, it wasn’t a bad thing what I did. I think it may have been more complex had the marriage taken place. Ratan Tata

Apart from values and ethics which I have tried to live by, the legacy I would like to leave behind is a very simple one – that I have always stood up for what I consider to be the right thing, and I have tried to be as fair and equitable as I could be. Ratan Tata

If a founder has passion and innovation, he needs to be supported. I am more intuitive than a numbers person, and I recognise that not all investments are going to be positive. Some may fail, and some may have problems for other reasons. That is life. Ratan Tata


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