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Interesting Facts About Boys, Facts About Boys Feelings

Interesting Facts About Boys, Facts About Boys Feelings

It’s funny how men are brave enough to go to war, but shudder at the thought of a bikini wax.

Interesting Facts About Love

Don’t ask them what they’re thinking. Men can think about nothing for hours.

Men would rather take a bullet than pick up tampons at the grocery store.

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Interesting Facts About Boys, Body Facts, Body Fun Facts, Interesting Facts About Guys In Love, Top Facts About The Human Body, What Guys Love, Interesting Facts About Guys Body, Boy Body Facts, Guy Facts About Love,

Whenever possible, say whatever you have to say during playoff commercials only. Then. And only then.

How To Impress Boy Quotes

After a bottle of champagne, they start licking faces. It makes you want to punch them and kiss them all at once.

If something can be interpreted in two ways, and one of the ways makes a woman sad or angry… generally, a man meant the other one.

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Men like to barbecue. They suddenly like to cook if danger and fire are involved. Weird how that happens.

Truth bomb : Women don’t dress like the Victoria’s Secret models. Men don’t act like soap opera dudes.

Bad boys are like cupcakes. They are delicious for two nibbles and then you start to hate yourself.

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Most men own three pairs of shoes. Tops. Don’t ask them for fashion advice. It isn’t going to happen.

Getting a man organized is like herding a cat or pushing a rope uphill.

Poor man-baby, you’re sick. Pam, can you call my Mom ?

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If you shake your groove thing in front of a man, you’re pretty much guaranteed to have anything you want.

Dear men, your Mother is not a saint. A saint would have taught you to put the lid down.

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Men enjoy long romantic walks to the beer fridge.

It’s easier for a man to buy a bathing suit :

Men waste thousands of gallons of fuel every year, driving around while not asking for directions.

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Honest to Pete… do you have an unfinished project in your household that can only be completed by a man !?! Light it on fire.

Men can slip into a coma while sitting in a retail store chair waiting for you to come out of the fitting room.

Men drink well with others and don’t need any coaxing or provocation.

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50% of men claim they would feel comfortable if their girlfriend had a lesbian lover. Ohh. Emmm. Geeeh.

Men like gadgets with lots of fancy shiny black buttons. It makes them feel dang important.

Interesting Facts About Boys

Putting toilet paper on the roll is not common sense, it’s a super power. Apparently only women have this magical power.

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Breathing like a normal person seems like no biggie to women. For the love of all things holy..

For the love of Pete, what is the big deal about golf ?! It’s a big patch of grass with a little dimpled ball… MmmKay.

The front lawn is the Holy Land. It’s not to be messed with.

Men roll their eyes at words like “commitment, and change the toilet paper roll “

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If men make the bed and do the laundry, we will gasp.

If you find dirty socks and underwear near-to or semi-near the hamper, there is a man nearby.

You can praise them, but go easy on the pedal or Mr. Stud muffin will puff up like a peacock.

A woman speaks about 7,000 words a day; a man speaks about 2,000.

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If it’s attention that you want, don’t get in a relationship with a man during playoff season.

Crying in front of a man, is technically blackmail. Use sparingly and only in an emergency. Be prepared to look like a hot mess for it to truly be effective.

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